
About Laura
 I am the middle child with an older brother and a younger brother. A sport that my brothers and I had in common growing up was swimming.  We all swam competitively and enjoyed sharing that experience with each other.  I had a great childhood and fondly remember playing outside and climbing our cheery trees with my brothers and the neighbors.  My parents made many sacrifices that I am so grateful for so that I could have many opportunities in my education that include studying abroad and being part of many extra curricular activities in high school and college that have enriched my life. This is my sixth year of teaching elementary school.  I am currently teaching fourth grade and I enjoy learning from each of my students throughout the years.

Grant’s Thoughts on Laura
If someone were looking for a very beautiful, extremely patient, and loving person they would find Laura.  Laura loves her mother and sees her as an example learning to love unconditionally, serves and constantly seeks out to comfort others.  Laura loves to be learning and seems to always be looking into something or asking thought provoking questions.  She loves to do things with me some of those include: riding razor scooters through the park, going for nice evening walks and traveling.  As you have read we met in Costa Rica, we have been to many different places in Utah and even found an opportunity to see some great American history in sailing the Panama Canal.  We want to continue doing all this things but to share the experience with a child we call our own and love as our own.

First birthday party at our new Home.

Holding a nephew while talking to a niece. 

1 comment:

  1. After going through this I realize that Laura and Grant are not the type to toot their own horn. So I hope someone will read this bit.
    My son was in Laura's fourth grade class last year. She is so calm, loving, kind, and perfect for those kids! My son loved being in her class. She never get flustered, which is huge, considering she teaches fourth grade. She could teach in a way that really engaged the students. She is passionate about teaching and uses so many methods to help the children learn well. Most of all, her calmness is the thing that really stands out. This quality impressed me so much. She will provide any child with the most stable and love filled life.
