
Hobbies and activities…
We love to be with our family.  Each Sunday we rotate eating with each other’s family.   Also, on Labor Day weekend, we participate in the Mountain Man Rendezvous where we recreate the time period of the Mountain Men and Indians in Fort Bridger, Wyoming. This is a family tradition with Grant’s extended family.  Another activity we frequently enjoy is to have a fire in our backyard and use Dutch ovens to cook dinner and then roast marshmallows with friends and family.
World and U.S. history is something we enjoy studying together.   We spend a lot of time working outside in our garden and on other yard projects.  We enjoy cross-country skiing during the winter and water skiing, boating, four wheeling, and biking during the summer. 

Date Night at a comedy show

Annual 5k- Running With Angels
Running before it started pouring rain. 

Scholarship Dinner for Grant

Mountain Man Rendezvous- Cannon Shoot

Roasting yummy food at our Annual Halloween get together. We have made it a tradition to roast hot dogs, marshmallows, etc in Laura's parents driveway while the kids are trick-or-treating.  

At a county food tasting for local restaurants.  Yum!

Cross Country Skiing in 15 degree weather

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